Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Kasual Kim Kardashian

Good Afternoon Ms. Heels!

Say what you will about Kimmy and her love of men with names that begin with the letter K; the one thing you cannot say, is that she doesn't have style!  

The girl drips with glamour in any outfit.  Take this (supposedly) kasual (go with the k thang for a minute) outfit she's wearing.  A simple sweatshirt with leather or leather-looking leggings and hair in a ponytail.  Other than you Ms. Heels, most women would've thrown on some awful flip-flops or (o' Jesus) tennis shoes!  But not Ms. Sex Kitten Kardashian; this bombshell went with a fabulous pair of Louboutin clear lucite 5 inch heels!  I am so not mad...do the damn thang!

So what's the take away here?  Kasual friday or kasual dressing for outings to an ice-cream shoppe, doesn't have to be  NEED TO BE an excuse for not looking your absolute best!  Be the chick that (in her mind) thinks that there are reality TV cameras & paparazzi lurking everywhere!  And duh....not to mention some hot ass dude dying to meet you!

Kordially speaking with kandy kisses (wink, wink),
Ms. Hill

1 comment:

  1. Is it just me? The two appear to be really into each other and thoroughly enjoying one another's company.
